Collins Cleaners Tips: Taking Care of Your Summer Clothes

Collins Cleaners tips on taking care of your summer clothes...
Summer brings hot weather, bugs, and time spent at the beach, lake, or pool. All these activities can wreak havoc on your clothes if they're not cared for properly. Follow these simple tips and, remember, you can always rely on Collins Cleaners' convenient pick-up service all year long!
Sunblock Stains
Sunblock is very important in protecting your skin during the summer months especially with all the time at the beach, lake, or pool. However, sunblock can stain your clothes or cause colors to run or fade. Make sure to rinse clothes you’ve worn over sunblock or when you accidentally get sunblock on your clothes to prevent stains or fading.

Rinse Your Swimsuit
Speaking of the beach, lake or pool, make sure to rinse your swimsuit in cold water to remove salt, chlorine, or anything else in the bodies of water in which you swim. Always read the cleaning label in your swimwear for any specific cleaning instructions to avoid damaging your favorite swimsuit.
Deodorant Buildup
During the hot summer months, deodorant is a must! However, deodorant can build up in your clothing causing discoloration or even holes in your clothes! Wash clothes as soon as possible after wearing them especially in the summer months to remove any buildup of deodorant.
Dirt & Sweat
As with deodorant build-up, the same is true of the extra perspiration and dirt that often comes with summer’s outdoor activities with regard to damage to your clothes. The longer dirt, sweat, or deodorant linger on your clothes, the more damage they can cause. Wash your clothes as soon as possible or consider Collins laundry & dry cleaning pick-up service. We’ll take care of the laundry so you can spend more time outdoors doing what you love and you never even have to leave your home!
Related: Schedule Wash, Dry, Fold Pick Up with Collins Cleaners!
Insect Repellent
With warmer weather comes bugs and with bugs comes insect repellent. Summer evenings often mean spraying your skin and clothing with insect repellent. While most repellents aren't’ harmful to your clothing, some contain alcohol which can damage your clothing. Always look for alcohol-free insect repellents or make sure to check the label before you spray insect repellent on your clothes.
Collins Cleaner is here to help you keep your summer clothes fresh and looking like new all summer long!